It could be in Silicon Valley but it is in El Run, a village of less than 90 inhabitants in the Pyrenees. ⛰ The story of Mario Garcés, CEO of The Mind Kind, is amazing: from Madrid, he has been doing business for 25 years and one day, visiting the Benasque valley ❄️❄️❄️, he said: "one day I will live here." Five years later he was living there. Like so many new inhabitants of rural areas, he had dreamed of setting up a small rural hotel, but fortunately for innovation and technology, life had other paths in store for him.🖱Today his company The MindKind is one of the most promising companies in Spain in artificial general intelligence. It is the demonstration that with a lot of heart, knowledge and, fighting for financing, we from the villages are capable of developing almost any project. Are you up to discover how Mario did it?

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Original News SourceIt could be in Silicon Valley but it is in El Run, a village of less than 90 inhabitants in the spanish Pyrenees